CHEM Group EHS&S Mission
We are committed to establishing a culture in which every employee is empowered to create and maintain a safe and healthy work environment. We consider the health, safety, and security of people and the protection of the environment to be our most fundamental responsibilities. Our goal is to put safety and the environment first in all that we do by preventing incidents, injuries, and ill health, reducing and eliminating hazards, and complying with all relevant environmental, health, and safety regulations, legislation, and other requirements to which we subscribe, in relation to environmental, health, safety, and security hazards.
We received Responsible Care® certification from the American Chemistry Council [learn more]
We are dedicated to the process of continual improvement through the implementation and application of our EHS&S management system. This policy will be communicated to employees, business partners, contractors, and stakeholders.
We believe that safety is everyone’s responsibility, and only through cooperation and individual accountability can we promote and preserve a safe and healthy workplace for all and protect our environment.